Episode 3 - Ben Meyer & Jimmy Serlin, Revel Meat Co.

From the trenches of their meat processing facility Ben Meyer and Jimmy Serlin of Revel Meat dig into the challenges in the US meat industry and how small processors are changing the status quo. Revel Meat Co is a USDA meat processor and retailer in Oregon. Revel partners with ranchers to allow them to focus on raising animals— taking on marketing, packaging, labelling to match larger retailer quality. This duo is building a blueprint to apply to small processors across the country and they share specifically what this means.

We caught Jimmy and Ben on a busy day at the plant to explore how they partnered with a family operation and honored this legacy to create their business. Ben and Jimmy dig into how the consolidation of the meat industry and loss of small facilities has created the dissonance we’re experiencing right now: record high prices and grocery store shortages for consumers, coupled with record low prices for live animals for producers. 

Jimmy and Ben lay out the clear business proposition right now for entrepreneurs and investors in the meat sector—and this duo is talking about how to jump in. We explore the need and opportunity for small scale processors and how the support of federal agencies like USDA are lightening the load. Jimmy and Ben are working to create an adaptable blueprint for the 900 small plants across the US, we explore what this means from sourcing, to management, equipment, and efficiencies.

Join the conversation to learn how to change public policy as the frailties of our meat supply are in the headlines. The Revel Meat take: small processors proving their model gives legislators alternatives to construct legislation around, and consumers a tangible alternative to learn about and support. And critically Ben and Jimmy talk about how farmers and ranchers calling their legislators clears legislative logjams.

Join this conversation and be prepared to take action when you do.


Episode 4 - Greg Shewmaker, TeakOrigin


Episode 2 - Christine Moseley, Full Harvest